Finding Motivation When It Feels Impossible

4 min readMay 28, 2024
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Motivation is a tricky thing.

There are times when it flows effortlessly, driving you forward, and other times when it feels like an elusive dream, always just out of reach.

I’ve been there, too, staring at the long list of things to do, feeling utterly uninspired.

If you’re feeling unmotivated, like you can’t find a reason to care, know that you’re not alone. Here’s how I’ve learned to navigate these moments and find a spark when it seems all but gone.

Understanding the Void

First, it’s important to recognize that feeling unmotivated is a natural part of the human experience.

There will be times when the reasons that once drove you no longer resonate. You’ve done great things in the past, but now those same motivations don’t light the fire they used to. This doesn’t mean you’re failing or that you’re incapable of finding new reasons to move forward.

It simply means you’re at a point where you need to re-evaluate and rediscover what truly matters to you now.

Photo by Juan Davila on Unsplash

Embrace the Pause

