Money & Personal Finance

Money: You’re Running a Marathon, Not a Sprint — Stop Rushing

If you never stop, you will run past the good things in life

5 min readJan 22, 2024


Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash

For the last couple of years, I’ve been obsessed with money.

Every decision I made and every action I took has been with the purpose of earning more. I started investing, cut back on my expenses, and always looked for more ways to geneate more income — the more passive, the better.

You’re probably tired of reading that money doesn’t buy happiness. Yet, as overused as that phrase is, it’s only partially true. Money isn’t the only component to happiness, but it certainly is an important one.

However, many people seem convinced that it’s not, and I believe I know why.

Here’s the thing about money: you never feel like you have enough.

When you start seeing some success, you raise the bar. And that’s fine, but it also puts pressure on you.

There’s a haunting feeling of anxiety that grows with your bank account’s balance. Happiness doesn’t like anxiety. And before you know it, earning more money makes you feel worse instead of better.

