Money & Personal Finance

The Most Destructive Lie About Money We All Believed Once

You might still believe it to this day

6 min readJan 23, 2024


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Remember when you were a kid?

Of course you do, it was the time of your life. Just fooling around all day, having fun. No responsibilities, no work, no taxes…

And no money. Not your own, anyway. It was fun to ask your parents for money whenever you needed or wanted something, like your own personal bank.

“Can I have $5 for candy?”

Just like that. The nerve we had! Imagine if you asked your bossto give you money like that when you wanted something. “Can I have a raise to buy a new car?” Best case scenario, you’d be laughed at by the entire office.

That’s why those times were the best. Absolutely zero sense of responsibility. Ignorance is bliss, they say, and we were so ignorant of all the struggle behind a simple $5 bill.

But our parents were not — they knew, like we know today. And that’s why, oftentimes, they responded with the most feared word by eager kids.


To which, almost automatically we would respond with the most feared word by tired parents.

